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As you know, we are living in a world where things are changing fast, for example, how we shop, eat, buy, and practice our faith. With all of this, it might be a bit overwhelming and challenging to adapt to the so-called "new normal".

There will be a lot of chaos, depression, and anxiety as a result of all of this. I would assume that people would lose all sense of hope for better and brighter days ahead. In 2017 suicide was the10th leading cause of death in the US, my hypothesis is that after 2020 that suicide statistic will be on the top 5 causes of death.

The reason is the side effect the worldwide pandemic will have on people.

When I say the side effect by worldwide pandemic I'm not referring to the actual virus but to a threefold side effect. The psychological impact is the first, Economic distress being the second and religious practice being the third.


We are being told that we have to be on lockdown and we are to have social distancing to prevent the spread of this virus but WITHOUT MITIGATION, the new coronavirus pandemic could kill as many as 2.2 million people in the U.S., according to a report from the Imperial College of London COVID-19 Response Team.

Social distancing can help with the prevention or the slowing down of transmitting of this disease however it can have short and long term psychological toll on people.

Many quarantined individuals experienced both short- and long-term mental health problems, including stress, insomnia, emotional exhaustion, and substance abuse, this information is provided by a review on March 14, 2019, Lancet.


“The more rapidly you want to contain the virus, then the more severe the lockdown has to be and the more severe the disruption to economic activity is,” said Gregory Daco, chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics.

It is clear that most hard-working Americans live paycheck to paycheck, we all have bills to pay for, mortgages, vehicle payments, rent, and the list can go on but the point is that most Americans are not prepared for something like this magnitude.

No work, no pay.

There are stimulus checks given by the government, people applying for unemployment, but let's be real for most Americans that is not enough to make ends meet for at least one month, what happens if this lockdown ends perhaps 3-5 months from now, what then?

Most financial experts recommend saving at least a six-month cushion in an emergency fund to cover anything from a medical bill to a car repair — and more if you are the only providing for your family or you are running your own business.

How will Americans, without the virus, survive this pandemic?


As concern over the spread of coronavirus grows, people around the world are changing the way they do things. The most dramatic result has been the exceedingly quick shift of religious services from in-person to virtual, online worship.

To some folks just the fact of going to a house of worship brings personal peace and well being, some find purpose and meaning to their life.

I believe down in my heart that getting closer to God is so important right now, I even dare to say now more than ever.

There are many reasons as to why it is very important to get closer to God, but here are the top three in my list:


The bible says in Philippians 4:6-7(NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We are given a prescription or a formula on how to handle mental or psychological distress.

First, the prescription calls for us not to be anxious about anything, of course, we worry all the time and that is ok however anxiety derives from overthinking or worrying to the extreme about things that are not in your control.

Then, it tells us that instead of worrying to the extreme, for us to pray and to let God know our situation and not only that but being thankful with him as we do so.

As a result, God will give you his peace that goes far beyond our human comprehension, and that peace will keep your heart and mind safe from any bad news or anything negative that comes your way.


The word of God says in Matthew 6:31-32 (NIV)31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

Once again it clearly states for us not to worry, we should never complain of what we lack or need instead let's trust in the Lord.

Isn't that comforting to hear such great news in the midst of a financial crisis that we are taken care of, the truth is that God is still on the throne, he is still in control.


Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

For the moment we need to stay home but that doesn't mean we cannot gather and worship in community. We can gather, worship at home with our family and connect with our local church online as they stream the live services.

The point is this, let us not grow cold or get used to not spending time with God in a building. Let the word of God, bring hope and peace in these uncertain times.

However, we have to stay connected with our church pastors, leaders, and fellow congregants and continue to stay active in our faith.

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